Outdoor Family Photos at Sunset // Freddie
I love a bit of spontaneity. Sophie booked this golden hour photo shoot the day before it happened. As we chatted about photographing her little family, I explained about golden hour and the weather forecast for the following day so we decided to go for it!
Being a Hampshire Family Photographer, I am kind of spoilt for backdrops, we really do live a beautiful part of the country.
We gathered on the field as the sun was setting and Sophie, Max and baby Freddie just sat together, playing with Freddie as I just snapped away. Freddie’s beautiful big eyes were fascinated by my camera and he seemed to very much enjoy having his photo taken!
I simply love these family photos. There is no denying that a gorgeous sunny evening really does help produce the most beautiful photos.
I know how much Sophie and Max love these images of their family. I hope you enjoy them too.