I captured my first wedding over 10 years ago and trust me when I say, I learned everything the hard way. 10 years ago there was not the plethora of female photographers in the industry that there are today (go us!). There was no real community, nobody offering to help a girl out. Not from where I was standing anyway. Sure, there were a few Facebook groups I could join but from what I could see, they were full of men trying to make themselves seem intelligent offering very little in terms of useful, on the ground advice. Googling how to use my camera was more of a maths lesson than anything else. It was frustrating!

I would have loved someone to help me out in human terms. Someone to give me honest critique on my images (I really should have not used white balance as an artistic tool!). Someone to ask about websites, how to keep track of my bookings, how to take payments, how to find the ideal clients, what to charge them, which presets to choose, which kit to buy. The list is endless.

After 10 years as a Hampshire Wedding & Family Photographer I now feel ready to share everything I have learned with other female photographers who are either at the beginning of their photography journey or feel their business needs a bit of a shake up. To be the Person that I wish I knew in my early days.

The most important factor when seeking a mentor is transparency. They need to be an open book. You need to feel comfortable that no question is too small, will make you look “silly” or feel that I have little industry secrets up my sleeve that I’m not going to share. Wrong! I am happy and secure enough with my place in the industry that you really can ask me anything!

I consistently book around 30 weddings a year as well as capturing the same number of families per year. I have so many happy, returning clients. My diary is pretty full but I leave space and time for my family. It’s a balancing act that can take time to get right. I have honed in on my photography style whilst staying relevant in the industry which is no mean feat!

Choose what is right for you, right now

  • hampshire wedding photographer

    Basic - £195

    A one hour online video call to discuss anything you wish. Really, ask me anything! Nothing is off limits.

    We will follow this up with a catch up video call two weeks later. We will go through any action points that were set as a result of the first call and set any further tasks.

    Full website and portfolio review. Full constructive criticism applied!

  • hampshire wedding photographer

    Advanced - £495

    A six week course featuring the same offerings as the Basic package x 3.

    3 x one hour video calls, 2 weeks apart.

    Website and portfolio review.

    Progress tasks set and monitored.

    Got a quick question? Need some quick advice? Some things just cannot wait 2 weeks! For the duration of your 6 week course you’ll be able to reach me via Whatsapp, Monday-Friday (weddings permitting) 9am-5pm.



It’s worth noting that there is no set guide here. Every photographer is different and will have a different set of requirements/areas of business that they feel they need to work on so your particular call will be tailored to you. I will send you a planning questionnaire to plan our time and ensure key subjects are covered during the call.


Of course. If after your first sessions you feel that you’d like to continue for a little while you cam upgrade to the next package and we can continue your mentoring journey!


Because my weekend diary is so full, mentoring will usually take place Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. However, I appreciate the challenges of growing a business around a young family - I did it myself. So if you would prefer evening calls, let me know when you enquire.