Jack & Carley's Winter Wedding in Winchester
Jack & Carley’s winter wedding in Winchester was such a treat to shoot.
I’ve known Carley since (probably) 2003 when we worked at the same mortgage company together (man those were fun days. Lots of partying! I digress). Thanks to Facebook, photography and an interest in kitchens we have stayed in touch over the years. Carley has recently started her own photography business, Thursdays Child Photography and now we have more in common than said mortgages and kitchens. It’s been really lovey to support each others businesses so when Jack popped the question to Carley, it seemed only right that I would be the one to tell their wedding story.
And here it is. Carley & Jack wanted a very small, simple wedding. With 10 years and 3 children between them they didn’t want too much of a fuss. With various locations scouted (including London) and a nudge from me, Winchester was the chosen City. You can walk anywhere in Winchester and find a perfect backdrop for a photo. Which is exactly what we did!
As a photographer herself Carley was aware that a 2:30pm ceremony in February would leave us a bit pushed with light for the photos that were so important to her. So rather unusually for the UK, they decided to do a ‘first look’ and see each other for the first time in private rather than when walking down the aisle. Carley finished getting ready in her hotel room and strolled down into the courtyard where Jack was waiting. It was such a lovely moment.
We then took some images of them both around the streets of Winchester, even bumping into someone we used to work with at the mortgage company. What are the chances!
The registry office was just a short stroll away and the ceremony was perfectly small and personal. I emphasised to Carley that if she wanted ‘the’ confetti shot she would have to go all out and buy a lot of it as sadly guests just don’t think to bring it along anymore. I advised light coloured and big discs make the perfect confetti so this is exactly what she bought along with a few confetti canons too! It was epic!
The cosy pub reception and hot buffet was the perfect compliment to their relaxed affair. Relaxed until we decide to take a short drive to St Catherines Hill where we parked up and hiked up, pretty much to the top, for views of Winchester and to try and catch some golden light (which the clouds tried to keep from us!). It was a portrait session I won’t forget!
Back to the pub to warm up, for speeches and a first dance (which resulted in some pretty wet faces).
Jack & Carley thanks for having me. Here are some previews from your wedding day.
*If anyone else is having a Winchester wedding and is still looking for a wedding photographer then hit me up!

Hair: Tori at Riot Hairdressing
MUA: Amy Richards
Flowers: Emmas Flower Hut